The kidney is one of the organs that work to get the extra germs or various substances out of the body. Kidney is one of the most important organs in our body. The human body has two kidneys which expel all kinds of wastes from our body. But if these are not excreted, they can often cause blood clots and even kidney stones.
Kidney stones are not the only problem because kidney stones often do not cause pain so it is not clear if there is a problem with the kidneys. Dey then understands that there is a problem in the kidneys.
Kidney problems do not occur overnight. When kidney function gradually declines, it can lead to chronic kidney disease. This means that when the diseases continue to increase, the kidneys cannot do all the functions that the kidneys do, such as purifying the blood.
The other two main symptoms of CKD are uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure. In the first stage, since all the symptoms of kidney are not understood, when any symptom occurs, kidney disease is detected through blood test in urine.
In many cases, the disease is not detected at an early stage. In case CKD is not detected, the affected person’s ankles may swell. Blood in the urine may occur. As a result, kidney transplants are often required, so in all these cases the kidneys become useless or damaged, which requires early diagnosis and treatment.
So when any of the following symptoms appear in our body, we need to consult a doctor very soon.
Swelling of hands and feet:
Swelling of the hands and feet occurs when the amount of water in the body increases and the kidneys lose their function. Swelling of the ankles, soles of the feet and hands often results in difficulty walking and disrupts the patient’s normal functioning.
No sense of smell or taste in the mouth
Another symptom of the first stage of kidney problems is often not getting the taste of our favorite food. As a result, aversion to food is created. It often results in bad breath.
Feeling weak:
Due to kidney problems, sodium is excreted from the body and the body becomes weak in red blood cells and decreased oxygen levels weaken the muscles and the brain.
Dry skin:
A healthy normal kidney is very important for our body. It removes excess contaminants from our body through filtration. It helps us to grow red blood cells, strengthens bones, increases efficiency, and maintains the balance of minerals in our body. But if our kidneys are sick there are different types of symptoms in the body. One of them is dry skin. When our body lacks minerals and new traces, the body becomes dry.
Bleeding in the urine:
We know that the kidneys act as a filter. This is because the body excretes the excess water and contaminants through the urine. But the reason for not filtering the kidneys properly is that the kidneys are diseased. As a result, the blood cells are mixed with the urine. The stones start to accumulate.
Tendency to urinate frequently:
The kidneys help us to make urine, but if the kidneys do not work, we tend to urinate more frequently. This happens more at night. Frequent urination at night and many times it seems that there will be more urination but not urination, which causes problems due to kidney damage. Again many times the color of the urine is seen to change.
Frequent breathing:
Kidney disease fluid accumulates. Kidney disease again causes anemia which causes problems. Many times the patient breathes frequently.
Feeling cold all the time:
If you have kidney disease, you will often feel cold in hot weather. It is also a sign of kidney problem.
Final Thoughts
Kidney problems have spread at the present time. And it is in the early stages that patients do not realize that their kidneys are on the verge of being damaged. As a result the kidneys are damaged and kidney treatment requires kidney dialysis and kidney replacement many times. So we should all be aware of ourselves and if there are any symptoms outside our normal functioning in our body, we should consult a doctor and manage ourselves accordingly because healthy and normal life is desirable for everyone.